Careers in Visual Arts and Design

Success Stories in Graphic Design and 2D Art at Bethel College

Bethel College art graduates excel in many fields thanks to their excellent education in graphic design and 2D art. They showcase their skills in job interviews and succeed in diverse jobs, from flower arranging to painting wall designs. Their broad background in visual and liberal arts makes them adaptable to various careers in graphic design.

For example, one graduate with a B.A. in art (painting) got a job designing airplane exteriors at Cessna, showing how Bethel’s skills can be applied in many ways. Another graduate entered the University of Kansas School of Architecture master’s program, successfully competing against students from colleges with specialized B.F.A. degrees, proving Bethel’s strength.

Bethel College art students are known for their dedication and hard work. They maximize the excellent education at Bethel to explore and succeed in various career paths within graphic design and 2D art. Bethel emphasizes a broad education, including both visual and liberal arts, ensuring graduates are well-rounded, critical, and creative thinkers.

The success of Bethel graduates in graphic design and 2D art highlights the high-quality education they receive. Bethel College prepares students for immediate job opportunities and long-term career growth. Whether in traditional art fields or new paths, Bethel graduates have the skills and knowledge to succeed.

In conclusion, Bethel College’s art program helps students develop a strong work ethic and provides a solid educational foundation. This allows graduates to excel in various careers. The success stories of Bethel art graduates in graphic design and 2D art demonstrate the effectiveness of the college’s education and the many possibilities it opens for students.

Post-graduate careers include:

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