Area of Study:

Visual Arts and Design

Visual Arts and Design, Bethel College Kansas

Expressive Creativity

See the World in New Ways:

At Bethel College, the visual arts and design program is about seeing the world through colors, shapes, textures, and patterns. You’ll learn how artistic mediums show beauty, tell stories from history, and speak about our society.

Join the Adventure in Visual arts and design

When you join the visual arts and design program, you’ll dive into an exciting journey where you get to create and learn about different kinds of art. You’ll try everything from painting to photography and ceramics to graphic design. Plus, you’ll explore the amazing stories behind art and see how it can make a difference in the world, even local artists such as Virgil Penner.

Get Hands-On:

You’ll work with many materials and techniques in the art program. Whether it’s painting, sculpture, or digital art, you’ll have fun experimenting and finding what you love. This hands-on learning will help you become a well-rounded artist.

Small Classes, Big Opportunities in visual arts and design:

With small class sizes, your teachers will get to know you and help you reach your goals. If you major in art, you’ll also have chances to show off your work in the Regier Art Gallery, the annual Student Show, and even a senior show.

Real-World Experience:

You’ll work on real projects, like designing for the college and local community. This gives you valuable experience and makes your art come alive. You’ll also build a professional portfolio that showcases your talents and skills. Plus, you’ll get to collaborate with other students, learning how to work as part of a creative team.

Skills for the Future:

Bethel’s general education courses will also help you speak, write, and communicate well, giving you a significant advantage whether you’re looking for a job or planning to attend grad school.

Join Bethel College’s art program and start your creative journey today!

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Student Opportunities

Jumpstart your career and gain résumé-building experience.

Careers in Art

We will prepare you to turn knowledge into action.


Preview the classes that will allow you to take your creativity to the next level.

Area of Study Faculty:

Rachel Epp Buller Photo

Rachel Epp Buller

Professor of visual arts and design / Chair of faculty / Director of Regier Art Gallery
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David Long Photo

David Long

Professor and chair of visual arts and design
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