Area of Study:


Languages, Bethel College Kansas

Expanding Your View of the World

Explore Languages and Cultures at Bethel

Are You Curious About Other Cultures? Do you love learning about different people and places? Would you enjoy living, working, or studying abroad? If so, studying German or Spanish at Bethel could be perfect for you. These languages open up exciting professional and personal opportunities.

Why Study Languages at Bethel? At Bethel, learning a language is more than just memorizing words and grammar. You’ll dive into the culture, understand the people and their history, and become a global community member.

German Studies Learning German at Bethel connects you to the college’s history. Bethel’s Mennonite founders in the late 19th century were German-speaking immigrants from Russia.

Spanish Studies Spanish classes focus on the language and culture of Hispanic people worldwide. You’ll see how Spanish ties into other subjects and how language and culture are connected.

Why It Matters Studying foreign languages helps you understand other cultures, literature, history, and social and political structures. You can connect your liberal arts education with your new knowledge of another language and culture.

Additional Language Options Besides German and Spanish, Bethel offers classes (but not a degree) in New Testament Greek and Mandarin Chinese.

Hands-on Learning

German Studies at Bethel

As a German student at Bethel, you’ll have the chance to spend a semester or more in a German-speaking country. You’ll immerse yourself in the culture, complete internships, and study at a university. Bethel has several exchange programs, including a unique one with the Bergische Universität in Wuppertal, Germany. For over 60 years, students from both schools have participated in exchange years, making it one of the oldest exchange programs between an American college and a German university.

Spanish Studies at Bethel

As a Spanish minor, you’ll have many opportunities to use your skills. You’ll spend a semester or more in a Spanish-speaking country, immersed in the culture, completing internships, and studying at a university.

Locally, you can join Bethel’s Spanish club, work as a departmental assistant, and do translation work with local businesses, ministries, and historical projects.


A degree in German or Spanish from Bethel opens up a wide range of career options. Knowing a foreign language is a huge advantage in many fields as the world becomes more connected. For example, one graduate is the deputy executive director of Amnesty International USA, while others have worked with mission and service organizations around the globe. Another alumnus, after earning degrees in law and international relations, is now an attorney with the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Post-graduate careers include:

  • Theology
  • Anthropology
  • Business and Finance
  • Mass communication
  • Chemistry
  • Literature


To earn a minor in German, you’ll need intermediate language competency — i.e., pass a competency exam, transfer credit, or complete intermediate language courses as a part of an approved study abroad program. The central component of Bethel’s foreign language minor is your participation in a study abroad program for one or — preferably — two semesters in a German-speaking country.

To earn a minor in Spanish, you’ll need intermediate language com­petency – pass a competency exam, transfer credit, or complete intermediate language courses as a part of an approved study abroad program. The central component of Bethel’s foreign language minor is your participation in a study abroad program for one or – preferably – two semesters in a Spanish-speaking country.

Area of Study Faculty:

Dan Quinlin Photo

Dan Quinlin

Professor of languages / Director of the Center for Academic Development (CAD)
Ricardo Sanchez Photo

Ricardo Sanchez

Adjunct instructor of spanish