Careers in Communication Arts

Get ready to dive into exciting careers in communication arts! Whether you are interested in arts, audio/visual technology & communications careers, teaching, copywriting, filmmaking, advertising, or even running your own business, Bethel College prepares you for it all. Here are some fantastic career possibilities you can explore:

  • Production and Marketing Researcher: Discover how to market products and understand what people want.
  • Educator: Inspire and teach the next generation.
  • Pastoral Minister: Combine your passion for communication and faith.
  • Print Journalist: Write stories for newspapers and magazines.
  • Public Relations Officer: Help companies communicate with the public.
  • Broadcaster: Be the voice on radio or TV.
  • Advertiser: Create campaigns that capture attention.
  • Communication Trainer: Teach others how to communicate effectively.
  • Communication Consultant: Advise companies on their communication strategies.
  • Human Relations Manager: Manage relationships within organizations.
  • Lawyer: Use your communication skills in the legal field.
  • Public Opinion Researcher: Study what people think and why.
  • Media Sales Representative: Sell advertising space and media products.
  • Customer Service Representative: Help customers and solve their problems.
  • Personnel Manager: Oversee hiring and employee relations.
  • Negotiator: Resolve conflicts and make deals.
  • Public Information Officer: Share information with the public.
  • Press Secretary: Represent organizations to the media.
  • Technical Editor/Writer: Create and edit technical documents.
  • Speechwriter: Write speeches for leaders and executives.

Notable Alumni with Communication Arts Careers:

  • Todd Flory (Class of ’04): Todd is nationally recognized for his work with Skype in the classroom. He always finds new ways to make learning fun, innovative, and effective.
  • Lindsey Young (Class of ’07): Lindsey owns Kansas Publishing Ventures, a local publishing company, and teaches at Haven High School.
  • Aimee Voth Siebert (Class of ’10): Aimee has a master’s degree in international disaster psychology. She uses her degrees from Bethel to help mobilize teams to respond to natural disasters.

At Bethel College, you’ll receive a comprehensive education that prepares you for various careers. You’ll develop critical thinking skills, enhance your writing abilities, and become a master storyteller. With small classes and dedicated professors, you’ll get the personalized attention you need to succeed. You’ll also learn to navigate the digital world, essential in today’s media-driven society.

Join Bethel College’s communication arts program and start your journey toward a thriving and dynamic career!