Bethel College

Tuition & Fees

Your college education is an important investment in yourself and your future that pays dividends for a lifetime.

When you graduate in four years from Bethel College, you’ll be ready to realize academic, professional, and personal success.

Be prepared through hands on-learning to connect your skills and passions to your purpose in life – whether it’s in your first job or a future career.

Experience the support of a community that wants to see you thrive.

You and your family can see just how Bethel can be an affordable investment as we guide you through our transparent financial aid process. Let us show you how by applying today.

  • Only 50% of tuition, room and board price paid, on average, by full-time students
  • 19% less – Bethel costs compared to the national average for private college tuition, fees, room and board

*Food & Housing options:
Haury Hall + Meal Plan$10,194 ($4,604 + $5,590)
Voth Hall + Meal Plan$11,292 ($5,702 + $5,590)
Warkentin Court + Meal Plan$10,778 ($5,188 + $5,590)

††All students are required to have health insurance coverage. If the student is covered under a family plan, additional Bethel health insurance is not required. The full health insurance premium is due in the fall at the start of school.

†††All athletes are required to have additional athletic insurance. This secondary policy starts to pay after any primary policy has paid its portion.

Tuition and fees—An amount normally assessed by a student carrying the same academic workload, as determined by the institution.

Books, course materials, supplies, and equipment—An allowance for books, course materials, and equipment, which must include all such costs required of all students in the same course of study, including a reasonable allowance for the rental or upfront purchase of a personal computer, as determined by the institution.

Transportation—An allowance, as determined by the institution, which may include transportation between campus, residences, and place of work.

Miscellaneous personal expenses—An allowance, as determined by the institution, for a student attending the institution on at least a half-time basis.

Living expenses—An allowance for food and housing costs, as determined by the institution, to be incurred by the student attending the institution on at least a half-time basis.

Study abroad expenses—An allowance for reasonable costs, as determined by the institution, for a student in a study abroad program approved for credit by the home institution.

Cooperative education costs—An allowance for reasonable costs, as determined by the institution, associated with such employment for a student engaged in a work experience under a cooperative education program.

Dependent care—An allowance based on the estimated actual expenses incurred for dependent care, based on the number and age of such dependents.

  • Such allowance must not exceed the reasonable cost in the community in which such student resides for the kind of care provided; and
  • Dependent care is required during class time, study time, fieldwork, internships, and commuting time, but it is not limited to these.

Disability-related expenses—An allowance, as determined by the institution, for expenses associated with a student’s disability, including special services, personal assistance, transportation, equipment, and supplies that are reasonably incurred and not provided for by other agencies.

Federal student loan fees—An allowance for the cost of any Federal student loan fee, origination fee, or insurance premium charged to the student or the student’s parent. The allowance—

  • May be actual or average costs, as appropriate; and
  • May not include the cost associated with non-Federal loans.

Professional licensure, certification, or a first professional credential—An allowance for the costs associated with obtaining a license, certification, or a first professional credential, for a student in a program that prepares them to enter a profession that requires such a qualification.

Ready to invest in your future?