Bethel College

Lending Policies

This information is provided for the convenience of staff from other libraries wishing to obtain items through Interlibrary Loan from Bethel College.

Holdings in:

Submitting requests

We accept requests via OCLC, KICNET, ALA form (via mail, fax or e-mail) and telephone. Rush orders are accepted only with approval per phone call. All loans are subject to availability and approval and will be recalled if needed locally.

Non-circulating material

  • Music CDs
  • Videos in Mennonite special collection
  • Old, rare or fragile items in Mennonite special collection
  • Microfiche


There is no charge for filling most requests.

  • Photocopies of 30 or fewer exposures are free.
  • Photocopy requests of more than 30 exposures are charged as follows:
    • 15 cents/page for copies from paper original
    • 25 cents/page for copies from microform
  • Charge for unreturned or badly damaged materials is replacement cost plus $10 processing.

Loan periods

  • Books — 5 weeks from ship date; renew for 4 weeks
  • Reference, AV, periodicals (loaned at discretion of Librarian) — 3 weeks from ship date


  • Most books are sent via Library Mail rate; rare or fragile items may be sent via UPS.
  • Most photocopies are supplied as scans via either email or Odyssey. Media items and paper photocopies are sent via First Class. Photocopies may be faxed upon request.
  • Please package all materials securely for return. Use a box for heavy or fragile items and for all AV. If using jiffy bags, please double wrap items to prevent infiltration by newspaper fluff.