Bethel College

Ask a Librarian

We Are Here for You

Do you have a reference/research question to which you would like the answer? A library-related issue you would like addressed? Here is your chance. Please fill in your information and questions or comments and submit the form.

NOTE: If your question concerns Mennonite topics or family history, don’t hesitate to contact the Mennonite Library and Archives/Archives of the Mennonite Church USA.

Bethel College Library Help

The Bethel College Library is mainly here to help Bethel students and staff. But, if you’re not part of Bethel, the library staff is still happy to answer your questions about the college, its collections, resources, and services. Depending on their time and availability, they’ll help as much as possible.

You’ll usually get a response to your question within 48 hours, except on weekends and during holiday or summer breaks.

If your question needs a lot of research, you might be asked to come to the library or make an appointment with a librarian. You can also request a virtual meeting using Moodle by clicking the button below.