Bethel College

Common Ground

Unity in Learning at Bethel College

Discover a path to success with Bethel College’s Common Ground core academic program. This program connects what you learn in the classroom to real-world situations, offering a supportive and exciting way to grow and make a difference.

First-Year Seminar

Start your journey with the First-Year Seminar. In small classes, you’ll discuss individuality and community with your hallmates, helping you build strong relationships.


Twice a week, join the campus community for Convocation. You’ll hear from guest speakers, enjoy performances, and learn about politics, society, religion, and the arts and sciences.

Cross-Cultural Learning

Experience new cultures through Cross-Cultural Learning. You might hike through a cloud forest in Costa Rica, sing in European cathedrals, talk with leaders in Jerusalem, or share a meal with members of a mosque in Wichita.

Peace, Justice, and Conflict Studies

Learn how to pursue peace and justice with the Peace, Justice, and Conflict Studies program. Develop skills to find understanding and common ground in a world that often faces conflict.

Integrating Faith and Life

Explore how your personal beliefs connect with your career through focused biblical study or classes on world religions. The Basic Issues of Faith and Life (BIFL) course brings students and faculty together to study important issues before graduation.


As a senior, you’ll complete a URICA (Undergraduate Research, Internships, and Creative Activity) project. This independent study is the highlight of your academic career, helping you plan and complete major projects.

Join Bethel College’s Common Ground program and become a leader who can communicate, research, plan, and think across different fields and cultures.