Business Affairs
Key Performance Indicators
1. Community Engagement
How Quantified?
- # of community partners (# of agreements)
- # of corporate partners
- service partners
- add 20-25 per year until 100
- add 2-4 per year or until budget goal is achieved
- 5-10 per year until demand is reached
- establish community network and provide employment experiences per students; make work college model affordable; community network/$2500×100=$250K!
- revenue sources for campus units (e.g., athletics)
- service opportunities for students and employees; community networking
Responsibility Center
- Employment Experiences, President, Advancement
- Athletics, Advancement, President
- All college units
2. Net Tuition Revenue
How Quantified?
- Student Retention: % of students retained to second year (first year retention)
- Student Retention: % of students retained to another year (total stduent body)
- Student Admissions: new FTFF each year
- Tuition discount rate
- > 90%
- > 90%
- 150-165 new FTFF on 20th day census
- <= 60% per fiscal year
- student success; cost effectiveness; finances
- student success; cost effectiveness; finances
- financial viability and campus life
- financial viability; sustain increased fixed costs
Responsibility Center
- Enrollment Management, Athletics, Academic Affairs, Student Life
- Enrollment Management, Athletics, Academic Affairs, Student Life
- Enrollment Management, Athletics
- Enrollment Management, Athletics
3. Endowment Contributions
How Quantified?
# of restricted gifts to endowment; dollars to endowed funds
Inventory and benchmark
intergenerational equity, finances, rankings
Responsibility Center
Advancement, President
4. Heritage Roll of Honor Commitments
How Quantified?
# of new estate commitments
inventory and benchmark
long-term financial stability
Responsibility Center
Advancement, President
5. Digital Visibility and Engagement
How Quantified?
- # of visitors/time on site for website
- growth in social media presence
- inventory and benchmark internal website metrics
- inventory and benchmark social media metrics (platform-dependent)
- recruiting, networking, fundraising
- recruiting, networking, fundraising
Responsibility Center
- Marketing and Communications; Athletics
- Marketing and Communications; Athletics
6. Vocational Fulfillment
How Quantified?
Percent of students employed Includes professional and graduate schools) or volunteering six months after graduation
college vision for human flourishing
Responsibility Center
Employment Experiences; Advancement (Alumni); Academic Affairs (IR)
7. Curricular Focus
How Quantified?
# and timing of new academic programs
suite of academic programs that are market relevant and financially viable
more student opportunitites/cost effectiveness
Responsibility Center
Academic Affairs, President, Enrollment Management
8. DEI: Success of under represented students
How Quantified?
retention rates and graduation rates of minority students
the retention rates and graduation rates of students of color must meet or exceed those of white students
mission; growth; satisfaction; BC has gone from 16% students of color in 2010 to 37% students of color in 2020
Responsibility Center
Academic Affairs, Athletics, Enrollment Management; Student Life
9. Nontuition revenue sources
How Quantified?
new sources per year
one new source per fiscal year yielding $10,000-$50,000 per fiscal year
revenue diversification and financial stability
Responsibility Center
Business Affairs, President
10. Employee Satisfaction and Retention
How Quantified?
# of new hires per fiscal year
incremental decrease in each year
stability of workforce; satisfied employees; workplace desirability
Responsibility Center