Bethel College

Guiding Principles

Foundations for Success and Bethel’s Guiding Principles

Approved by the Bethel College Board of Directors on April 6, 2019

The Bethel College Seal and Scripture

“Other foundation can no one lay, than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.”
(Updated from 1 Corinthians 3:11)

Religious Identity and Welcoming Statement

Bethel College is rooted in Christian theology, sustained by Anabaptist distinctiveness, and guided by Mennonite values. We welcome everyone to our campus and prize individuals for their unique personalities, talents, and life experiences.

Statement of Agency

Bethel College is an independent institution of higher education that enjoys mutually beneficial and freely chosen relationships with churches, congregations, and agencies that support its mission and vision.

Mission Statement

Bethel College prepares students for meaningful lives of work and service through faith
formation, the liberal arts, and practical experience in career pathways.

Vision Statement

Bethel College graduates students who increase human flourishing (shalom) in society by
owning and enacting their faith, demonstrating compassion for the powerless, engaging in
critical thought, and bringing value to the workplace.


  • High standards and expectations for behavior and performance in all dimensions of campus life.
  • Dialogue that transforms conflict within communities where there are differences in opinion and understanding.
  • Peace and justice that seek fair and equitable treatment for all members of society.
  • Vocational discernment that helps students identify their calling and God’s purpose for their professional lives.
  • Holistic wellness through a balance of mental, physical, and spiritual practices.
  • Creative approaches for living harmoniously within a constantly changing world and workplace.
  • Community with global consciousness that cherishes social connectivity, shared endeavors, and intergenerational living.