Bethel College

Key Performance Indicators

1. Community Engagement

  • How Quantified?
    1. # of community partners (# of agreements)
    2. # of corporate partners
    3. service partners
  • Goal
    1. add 20-25 per year until 100
    2. add 2-4 per year or until budget goal is achieved
    3. 5-10 per year until demand is reached
  • Why?
    1. establish community network and provide employment experiences per students; make work college model affordable; community network/$2500×100=$250K!
    2. revenue sources for campus units (e.g., athletics)
    3. service opportunities for students and employees; community networking
  • Responsibility Center
    1. Employment Experiences, President, Advancement
    2. Athletics, Advancement, President
    3. All college units

2. Net Tuition Revenue

  • How Quantified?
    1. Student Retention: % of students retained to second year (first year retention)
    2. Student Retention: % of students retained to another year (total stduent body)
    3. Student Admissions: new FTFF each year
    4. Tuition discount rate
  • Goal
    1. > 90%
    2. > 90%
    3. 150-165 new FTFF on 20th day census
    4. <= 60% per fiscal year
  • Why?
    1. student success; cost effectiveness; finances
    2. student success; cost effectiveness; finances
    3. financial viability and campus life
    4. financial viability; sustain increased fixed costs
  • Responsibility Center
    1. Enrollment Management, Athletics, Academic Affairs, Student Life
    2. Enrollment Management, Athletics, Academic Affairs, Student Life
    3. Enrollment Management, Athletics
    4. Enrollment Management, Athletics

3. Endowment Contributions

  • How Quantified?

    # of restricted gifts to endowment; dollars to endowed funds

  • Goal

    Inventory and benchmark

  • Why?

    intergenerational equity, finances, rankings

  • Responsibility Center

    Advancement, President

4. Heritage Roll of Honor Commitments

  • How Quantified?

    # of new estate commitments

  • Goal

    inventory and benchmark

  • Why?

    long-term financial stability

  • Responsibility Center

    Advancement, President

5. Digital Visibility and Engagement

  • How Quantified?
    1. # of visitors/time on site for website
    2. growth in social media presence
  • Goal
    1. inventory and benchmark internal website metrics
    2. inventory and benchmark social media metrics (platform-dependent)
  • Why?
    1. recruiting, networking, fundraising
    2. recruiting, networking, fundraising
  • Responsibility Center
    1. Marketing and Communications; Athletics
    2. Marketing and Communications; Athletics

6. Vocational Fulfillment

  • How Quantified?

    Percent of students employed Includes professional and graduate schools) or volunteering six months after graduation

  • Goal


  • Why?

    college vision for human flourishing

  • Responsibility Center

    Employment Experiences; Advancement (Alumni); Academic Affairs (IR)

7. Curricular Focus

  • How Quantified?

    # and timing of new academic programs

  • Goal

    suite of academic programs that are market relevant and financially viable

  • Why?

    more student opportunitites/cost effectiveness

  • Responsibility Center

    Academic Affairs, President, Enrollment Management

8. DEI: Success of under represented students

  • How Quantified?

    retention rates and graduation rates of minority students

  • Goal

    the retention rates and graduation rates of students of color must meet or exceed those of white students

  • Why?

    mission; growth; satisfaction; BC has gone from 16% students of color in 2010 to 37% students of color in 2020

  • Responsibility Center

    Academic Affairs, Athletics, Enrollment Management; Student Life


9. Nontuition revenue sources

  • How Quantified?

    new sources per year

  • Goal

    one new source per fiscal year yielding $10,000-$50,000 per fiscal year

  • Why?

    revenue diversification and financial stability

  • Responsibility Center

    Business Affairs, President


10. Employee Satisfaction and Retention

  • How Quantified?

    # of new hires per fiscal year

  • Goal

    incremental decrease in each year

  • Why?

    stability of workforce; satisfied employees; workplace desirability

  • Responsibility Center

    Business Affairs