Area of Study:

Communication Arts

Communication Arts, Bethel College Kansas

Get Ready to Shine in Communication Arts at Bethel College!

Dive into the exciting world of communication arts at Bethel College! Here, you’ll boost your critical thinking, improve your writing, and become a fantastic storyteller. Our program lets you explore different storytelling methods, like writing, visuals, theater, radio, the college newspaper, and even forensics. In today’s social media world, understanding how to analyze and communicate information is super important, and Bethel will give you the tools you need to succeed.

Explore Different Ways to Communicate:

At Bethel, you won’t be limited to just one form of storytelling. You’ll try various mediums, from traditional writing and journalism to modern digital media and theater. Whether you want to write for the college newspaper, produce radio shows, participate in forensics, or create visual stories, you’ll find your passion here.

Personalized Attention and Small Classes:

Small classes and a low student-to-faculty ratio will give you lots of one-on-one time with your teachers. They will know your name, your interests, and your goals. This close-knit environment helps you grow and ensures you get the most out of your education.

Senior Seminar Capstone Experience:

Your journey at Bethel finishes with a senior seminar, where you’ll dive deep into a topic you love. This experience challenges you and helps you apply everything you’ve learned. You’ll learn to ask intelligent questions, think critically, write effectively, and give an excellent public presentation. This prepares you for the real world by giving you the skills to handle complex issues and communicate your ideas.

Mastering the Digital World:

Bethel’s communication arts program also teaches you how to navigate the digital world. You’ll learn how to communicate effectively on social media and other digital platforms, essential for any career today. This knowledge will give you a significant advantage in the fast-paced media world.

A Well-Rounded Education:

Bethel’s general education courses will help you become a strong speaker, writer, and communicator. These skills will prepare you for any challenge and open up many opportunities for your future.

Join Bethel College’s communication arts program and start an exciting journey that will prepare you for a successful career in the ever-changing world of communication!

Student Opportunities

Jumpstart your career and gain résumé-building experience.

Careers in Communication Arts

We will prepare you to turn knowledge into action.


Preview the classes that will allow you to take your storytelling skills to the next level.

Area of Study Faculty:

Christine Crouse-Dick Photo

Christine Crouse-Dick

Professor and chair of communication arts
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Cristy Dougherty Photo

Cristy Dougherty

Director of forensics / Assistant professor of communication arts
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Damon Klassen Photo

Damon Klassen

Director of theater / General manager of KBCU-FM
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