Social Work Coursework

Satisfactory progress in the social work major

To graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Social Work degree, you must meet the requirements for satisfactory progress in the program, including earning a minimum of a C in each social work course and maintaining an overall 2.5 GPA. The Student Handbook of the Social Work Department outlines complete information about other satisfactory progress requirements and program policies and procedures. Students may review the handbook at any time and receive a personal copy when formally admitted to the program.

LIBERAL ARTS FOUNDATION COURSES (YEARS 1-2) Common Ground courses including: First‐Year Seminar • Convocation • Integrating Faith and Learning • Peace, Justice and Conflict Studies • Cross‐Cultural Learning Distribution of courses from:  Arts and Humanities • Science and Math • Social Science

REQUIRED SUPPORTING COURSES FOR SOCIAL WORK IN BIO-PSYCHOSOCIAL FOUNDATION (YEARS 1-3)  Principles of Macroeconomics or Principles of Political Science • General Psychology* •  Principles of Sociology* •  Life‐Span Development • Applied Statistics • One additional course in the social sciences

SOCIAL WORK CURRICULUM PLAN SOCIAL WORK COURSES  Theory and Social Justice • Human Behavior in the Social Environment • Social Justice and Social Change • Gender and Sexuality  Policy • Introduction to Social Work and the Social Welfare Institution • Social Welfare Policy Analysis  Criminal and Restorative Justice Certificate • Introduction to Criminal Justice • Restorative Approaches to Justice • Criminal and Restorative Justice Capstone  Practice • Skills for Human Service Work • Assessment of Human Systems • Intervention in Human Systems • Introduction to Addictions in Social Work • Trauma, Self‐care and Resilience  Research • Research Methods for Social Work • Pre-practice Seminars  Experiential Learning (Field) • Field Experience (Junior) • Field Instruction (Senior)