Communication Arts Coursework

Communication Arts Coursework Requirements

Communication Arts Coursework: 36 hours, including a 4-credit-hour internship or practicum.

Minor requirements for Communication Arts

17 hours.

Minor requirements for Theater

20 hours.

Major requirements for Speech and Theater teacher licensure

27 hours including 2-credit-hour (1 of the hours must be upper-level) theater practicum and 3-credit-hour Methods of Teaching Speech and Theater in the Secondary School, plus completion of General Education requirements for teacher licensure and professional education requirements.

Personalized Attention and Small Classes in Communication Arts Coursework

At Bethel, you’ll benefit from small classes and a low student-to-faculty ratio, giving you lots of one-on-one time with your teachers. They will know your name, your interests, and your goals. This close-knit environment helps you grow and ensures you get the most out of your education.

Senior Seminar Capstone Experience

Your journey at Bethel culminates in a senior seminar, where you’ll dive deep into a topic you love. This experience challenges you and helps you apply everything you’ve learned. You’ll learn to ask intelligent questions, think critically, write effectively, and give an excellent public presentation. This prepares you for the real world by giving you the skills to handle complex issues and communicate your ideas.

A Well-Rounded Education:

Bethel’s general education courses will help you become a strong speaker, writer, and communicator. These skills will make you ready for any challenge and open up lots of opportunities for your future.

Join Bethel College’s communication arts program and start an exciting journey that will prepare you for a successful career in the ever-changing world of communication!